👋 Hey, I’m Teja and...
👋 Hey, I’m Teja and...
focused on crafting unique and
joyful experiences
focused on crafting unique and
joyful experiences
Currently working at turingLabs Studio from sweet home.
Currently working at turingLabs Studio from sweet home.
If you’d like to learn more about me, or discuss design, technology or life in general, feel free to reach out. I’m always happy to chat.
If you’d like to learn more about me, or discuss design, technology or life in general, feel free to reach out. I’m always happy to chat.
I call this "Sheldon special"

Me with my pearly whites :)
I’m Hari Teja, a cross-disciplined designer based in Hyderabad, India, with 3+ years of experience in B2B SaaS.
My focus lies in crafting apps and experiences, but I’m always exploring new areas like tech, AI, marketing, and branding.
Known as a “developer-friendly designer,” I collaborate seamlessly with all stakeholders. During college, I also contributed to initiatives with the Telangana government.
I find joy in cooking and baking, paired with some good old movies.

& more...
2021 to Present

Re-defining Drivetrain: enhancing financial insights through design
Financial Planning & Accounting
Product Design
Design Systems
Motion Design
View Work
8 min. read

AllCaps AI: Scaling sales engines with end-to-end MVP design
Sales Management
Product Design
Design Systems
Motion Design
View Work
12 min. read

Effectiv: Transforming risk management by user-centric design (acq. by Socure)
Fraud & Risk Prevention
Product Design
Design Systems
Motion Design
View Work
6 min. read

Grow with Dinero: Best practices for your personal finance
Personal Finance
Product Design
Design Systems
View Work
4 min. read
Some of my other works :)

Behind the pixels
Off the clock, On to life
never ending love for cooking

'BOY!!' (iykyk)

Curr. read: Book of life by
J. Krishnamurthi

no time to be bored :)

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Checkout my resume or connect with me
© 2024 Hariteja. All Rights Reserved.
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Coming soon to Mobile
My mobile version is in the works! In the meantime, explore the magic of my portfolio’s web version.
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